Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Sunday best...

Cute outfit she wore last Sunday... so happy and cute.

2 months and growing...

Today we had our 2 month well visit. Baby girl is still growing well and achieving her milestones. Her Dr. was very impressed by her ability to maintain focus and smile and coo. We should have a chatter box on our hands when she gets a little older. During tummy time at the Dr. baby girl rolled from her tummy to back TWICE. All of this further affirms the fact that she really is a baby Einstein.

2 month stats:
Height: 24", 95% percentile
Weight: 13 lb 0 oz, 94% percentile
Head Circumference: 80% percentile

The Dr. said baby girl is looking very healthy and likely her grumpy evenings are just colic. Hopefully these nights will go away by 3 months. Sadly, she had to get 2 shots, which made her very sad all day long. We had a lot of cuddling time this afternoon to try and calm her down. Poor baby, though it is better than getting tetanus or polio...

Friday, January 20, 2012

Look at me...

I may be biased, but how cute is she in the tech-vest grandma sent?
--- And yes, this is a 9 month size, though in holding it up next to a 3 month jacket, it didn't seem much bigger ---

Nursery Re-deisgn Take Dos...

Due to my inability to make decisions I frequently do and subsequently re-do things over and over again. I blame my OCD / perfectionist traits but whatever. That having been said, I am currently on the 3rd round of nursery decor. My first crib skirt and crib sheet fiasco, while functional, did not match the new grey walls. My second, grey, red/coral and green theme was working well until my rug never showed up (I ordered this chevron rug in grey, but it never came... boo). I did learn how to make roman shades though, so it wasn't all a lost cause...

Since we had an ordering fail, I continued to look for another rug - while I didn't find the perfect grey / green rug choice I did find a new striped rug for our kitchen allowing a switch-a-roo to move the old grey-green-yellow and blue striped rug that previously lived under the kitchen table up to the nursery. While I love this rug, the new yellow accent did not jive with the red roman shades and the pattern on the crib skirt seemed to graphic for me. Also, I had just finished a sheep mobile, of course incorporating the reds and greens...

Insert a big *sigh* and one trip to the JoAnns and I was armed with fabric for a new yellow crib skirt, and pillow cover for the glider (it's about time I cover that pillow anyway...). I also bought a few fabric squares and yellow thread to update my mobile to match the new color scheme as well.

As a side note, I now understand why people sell these for $50+ on etsy, while not difficult, it takes forever --- though it would have been easier had I gotten my act together and done it BEFORE baby girl arrived --- oh well.

I still need to decide what to do with the curtains. Most likely I will just take them down and put up the white blinds again (and by put up, I mean have AJ put up... thankfully he has patience for my craziness and continual redo's).

All in all I am happy how it turned out, I still have one mobile to make for over the changing table and we still have a wall to decorate with pictures etc once we get a bookshelf. Oh the joys... if she only knew how much though has gone into designing, and redesigning her room maybe she wouldn't scream so much? Though today she has been quite pleasant and is currently sleeping happily in the blanket from Aunt Chris. I think the blanket may have magical qualities as this is the longest she has ever napped (going on 2+ hours) while on her back and not in the rocker.

A visit from my person

Yay for bank holidays! Baby girl got a visit from her Auntie Kasi last weekend. It was so much fun, and un-true to form, baby girl was really not that grouchy... probably because Kasi spoiled her and held her a lot. To make sure she had a legit Texas experience we did a lot of eating; Tex-Mex, BBQ, Cajun, the works. Kasi even humored me and went fabric shopping for my 3rd nursery decor redo (more on that later).

It was so great to see you, and we hope to see you again soon!!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Hi world!

Baby girl is 6 whole weeks old. Her life is quite plush these days, sadly, daddy had to go back to work, but she still enjoys her momma's undivided attention.

She loves to eat, be held, occasionally enjoys her binky, will smile when talked to and is quite the chatter box in the morning.

Good Morning!

Look at the fun I get to wake up to, it doesn't get much better than that.