Baby girl is growing and becoming even more adorable. She is 5 months old, is weighing in over 17 lbs, we don't have an official doctor visit until 6 months, but I wanted to post so I would remember some of her favorite things right now, including:
* Being held, all the time, doesn't matter who by. She has recently started crying until you pick her up, and then she gets this pleased as punch look on her face and is so happy perched up on your shoulder. She is also currently refusing to nap in her crib, she instead is insisting on being held while she naps. I have all but caved in, and have decided I will train #2 to sleep in a crib for naps.
* Being sung to, current favorites include Rudolf and random Rolf Harris Aussie songs.
* Rolling from her back to stomach AND FINALLY stomach to back! She is still not an 'ambi-roller' and only rolls to the left, even so, she can cover some serious ground and can spin completely around on her tummy to get facing whichever way she will be able to see people (she is a very social baby for sure).
* Putting anything and everything in her mouth; including but not limited to, toys, hands, clothes, blankets, binkies, her feet ... anything really, today while she was in the bumbo she moved herself around so she could grab her car seat and started sucking on that.
* She still lacks hand eye coordination so often, instead of sucking on things, she just gets the items near her mouth, and licks them ... weird, but funny as well
Some of our favorite things about the little bean:
* She is getting to be a champ about going to bed. She has a ~8 pm bedtime and goes down fairly easily and often sleeps through until morning (waking ~6-7 am), even when she does wake up, it is usually only once around 4-5 am.
* When she sits on your lap, she'll hold onto your arm; she also hugs on tight to you when you go up and down stairs, so cute.
* Even though she won't nap in her crib, she will sleep being held, and makes the most amazing sleeping noises while snuggled into your arms.
* On nights she's slept well, she is seriously so cute in the morning and SO HAPPY.
* When her hair is slightly dirty, it can make a pretty awesome mohawk. And on that note, just her hair in general, even with the slight bald spot she is developing from her crib.
* How she sleeps on her side.
And now for a daily dose of cute for all of you:
Grandma liked this outfit so much she bought it twice! Can you blame her though? Also check the hair height.
While singing Rudolf ... also debuting some more fabulous hair.
Rolling, and just being darling.
After eating pears. YUM! She was much more enthusiastic about these than she has ever been about rice cereal or peas. Shocking huh?