Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy pumpkin day!

No trick or treating this year. Heaven knows I would just end up eating all her candy and we don't need that! Even so, we still had a very cute little pumpkin at our house this year.

Happy pumpkin day from our favorite little pumpkin!!

And 2 videos, just for fun, sorry they are so grainy, I have to film her in stealth mode. As soon as she sees the phone she throws a fit unless I let her have it. She is *almost walking, she can easily make it ~5 ft before falling, but typically she just likes to walk to me and flail herself into my arms.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

11 months

11 months old and counting! Baby girl continues to grow and develop more each day. She is getting very quick cruising around the furniture and has started to take 3-4 steps at a time as she cuts corners or is determined to get some sort of toy. Her little personality is darling and she has started initiating peek-a-boo by crawling behind the couch and then popping her head out as if to say “Here I am!!” accompanied by spurts of giggles.

Some of her recent conquests: waving hello and goodbye, emptying anything and everything (dresser drawers, cabinets, her toy bins, her book shelf, any bag…), drinking out of a sippy cup (and a regular cup), putting her binky back in her mouth on her own, and looking for AND finding things I hide (laptops, phones, remotes etc). Baby girl has also recently started eating a lot more textured foods, each day I try a few new things in hopes to find new easy favorites, it really seems like she would just rather eat whatever I am eating though.

Happy 11 months Pumpkin!

Monday, October 22, 2012

If at first you don't succeed...

Finally, after 3 tries, sweet potato fries are a success (and a hit with my texture picky babe!).

Third times a charm (this time I tossed them with garlic powder, maybe that was the difference?)! If only we could make some headway with peas... maybe I need to toss them in garlic powder?

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Why yes I did stuff all that watermelon in my mouth. It is delicious! Is there a problem?

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Eating dinner

Baby girl is not a fan of most anything with texture. She likes her food well blended. I have been trying to get her to feed herself 'table' food, however, with the exception of fruit and Cheerios it has generally been a no go. She'll actually reach for the food, put it in her mouth to taste it, then, upon recognizing it is NOT fruit, she either spits it out, or grabs it out and throws it back on her tray or onto the floor.

I've tried all sorts of food, sweet potato fries, pasta, bread, eggs, tiny pieces of meat, zucchini, broccoli, and peas (she especially hates these and gets mad when I even put them on her tray!). With this constant battle you can understand my excitement when I found a new food she'll eat today: cheese quesadillas! Who knew?? She loves them though, and gobbled up quite a bit tonight. At one point I had to slow her down as I was worried we were going to have another watermelon choking incident.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Enjoying daddy time

Baby girl is quite the fan of her daddy and was loving riding on his shoulders before her bath.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

My little Sea Urchin

Sadly, this little Urchin shirt looks more like a karate outfit than t-shirt, but I still love it. Hopefully it shrinks up a bit in the wash and fits her better. Who knew there was educational baby clothes. What will those hipsters think of next?

As a side note, the picture below is of her laughing hysterically as I 'chase' her while he runs along the side of the couch. Also, baby girl has started to 'give' you her toys to play with for a bit, hopefully this is a precursor to how she will be with sharing in a few years. I can hope anyway.

Mommy's little helper

Baby girl loves taking things out of baskets, drawers, cupboards, you name it. Unfortunately we haven't mastered putting things back yet, but he sure is helpful at forcing me to organize.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Technology Lover

Getting to Play with the laptop in bed = best morning EVER!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

I like food

There is no question whether this little one likes her food. Hands down her favorite page in the Caterpillar book is the one with all the food. She sits and points to the different food and makes funny noises. It is hilarious, an I live it.

Cuddle Time

Cuddly, sleeping babies are the best.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Happy Conference!

Baby girl is loving her some mo-tab. And she of course, is dancing as well.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Stop growing so fast!

So the quality of this photo is pretty bad since it was with the phone, but seriously, how old does she look here?? She was so proud of herself standing next to the entertainment center. Slow down little girl, stay little!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Bath time

Bath time has become fun time with Pumpkin these days. She excitedly dances while I fill her little tub and really enjoys herself, splashing, kicking and trying to eat the actual tub drain (this girl loves her shiny things... Oh dear). I've learned I have to wait a while before I take her out, as she throws a bit of a fit if she hasn't had adequate play time. Either way, happy Pumpkin = happy Momma, even if she does get a bit raisin-y.

Who needs toys?

When you have a drawer full of rubber treasures. Baby girls current favorite: the popsicle molds from IKEA. Love this little girl.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Sharing is caring

Baby girl keeps giving me her slobbery toy so I can play too. Sweet, but also kind of gross.