Baby girl is not a fan of most anything with texture. She likes her food well blended. I have been trying to get her to feed herself 'table' food, however, with the exception of fruit and Cheerios it has generally been a no go. She'll actually reach for the food, put it in her mouth to taste it, then, upon recognizing it is NOT fruit, she either spits it out, or grabs it out and throws it back on her tray or onto the floor.
I've tried all sorts of food, sweet potato fries, pasta, bread, eggs, tiny pieces of meat, zucchini, broccoli, and peas (she especially hates these and gets mad when I even put them on her tray!). With this constant battle you can understand my excitement when I found a new food she'll eat today: cheese quesadillas! Who knew?? She loves them though, and gobbled up quite a bit tonight. At one point I had to slow her down as I was worried we were going to have another watermelon choking incident.