Saturday, November 23, 2013

Happy birthday little bug!!

Little bug is 2 today!! So crazy, it seems like yesterday we were bringing her home from the hospital. She is such a joy to have in our lives and is in such a fun stage of life. She has so much personality and is so loving and helpful. We have her 2 it well check on Tuesday, until then here is a stats placeholder:

Height: 35.5", 89%
Weight: 31 lb, 91%
Head Circumfrance: 72%

Current favorites/milestones:
Bug continues to love music/singing and dancing. She often breaks into song and wiggles around happily. Her favorite song is the A, B, Cs followed closely by Twinkle Twinkle and the Potty Song from Daniel Tiger. 

Speaking of Daniel Tiger, she loves him. She sings all the songs and waves and blows kisses to all the characters during the opening credits. 

In the last few months, she has gone from only a few words to speaking in sentences. It is so nice to be able to understand a little more what is going on in her head and be better able to address her needs. 
She is so sweet to her brother, tho still prefers to watch from afar and not be touched by him. lol. 
She loves to draw, paint and build 'real talk towers' with her Legos. 
She loves to ride the Bubs rocking horse. 
She loves the water: swimming, splash park and the bath. 

Current dislikes:
She is still not a fan of crowds / new people (and by new, pretty much anyone other than close family). People at the grocery store still make her cry / hyperventilate if they talk to her, so no real progress there. 
While she loves to eat, she is very picky about what she eats. She refuses to eat veggies unless they are in purée form or unless they are smeared with hummus. (sadly she has been reacting to hummus and I think she might be allergic ): )

All in all she is darling and so smart! We love our little pumpkin and can't imagine life without her :). 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Mostly pictures

Life lately: lots of trips to the park. She loves it. And a little sleeping baby photo bomb in the background. :)

She is currently loving all her Dr. Suess books. Frequently she falls asleep with her face in an open book. She loves to bring them into our bed and read them to her toys. The Bub is fascinated by her as well, and loves listening to her read and will start talking back to her. 

He is such a happy baby when he is being held. He is also such a ham and gives the greatest smiles whenever he sees me. Melts me. 

Just a happy little Genius being held by daddy. 

She's at such a fun age. She loves to play and pretend. It's so fun to watch her learn and grow. Never grow up. 

Daddy has officially become a jungle gym. Both Pumpkin and the babe love the horsey rides. 

She giggles hysterically. 

Obsessed with everything about daddy. 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

5 mo

Baby boy is 5 mo old, he is getting to be the little ham these days. We don't see the doctor until 6 mo, but my best guess puts him at 18 lbs, growing like a weed.

Latest triumphs/likes:
He has both bottom teeth in, and is still teething. 
He is obsessed with his feet and is always eating them.
Solid foods. We started with avocado on his 5 mo birthday, I was going to wait until 6 mo for food, but he was so interested. He immediately grabbed the spoon and shoved it in his mouth. I guess he's ready :)
He can roll off his belly, but has shown little desire / attempt at rolling from his back. This is mostly because he refuses to be put down... ever.
He still sleeps in the rocker, generally from 8:30 - 5, at which point he wakes up and goes in the swing until 6:30. 

Current dislikes:
Being out of line of sight. If he can't see anyone he immediately freaks out and starts screaming hysterically. 
As long as he is being held, he's gotten to be a pretty happy baby. But all bets are off if you put him down.
He still won't nurse, but has increased his bottle size from 4 oz to 6-8 each feeding. And even though he won't nurse, he also will not drink formula... picky panda.

Loving the avocado. Or the spoon. Probably the spoon, but he ate a good amount of the food as well.

Sporting Pumpkins old hat on the one "chilly" day so far (70).

Enjoying the park while big sis has the time of her life.