Sunday, June 15, 2014

Life lately according to my iPhone

We finally closed on our house! YAY! Until we move in 2 weeks we're surviving the heat with lots of splash pads (with major tantrums when we leave. Every time.), singing, bubbles and more bubbles.
Bub is still biting and I have to watch him really closely... The Bug was so excited for Aunt Kasi's card from Europe and excitedly placed it on the fridge. 
I will miss our afternoon walks on our sleepy street... and potty training ... UGH.


The kiddos got some amazing tees in the mail from VDGN KD so of course we had to take a few pictures :). I love that both kids are the same size right now and can share clothes, helps me justify extra lol.
This bear star gazer shirt is my favorite :) it is so soft and Pumpkin calls it her bear shirt. It got put in the Bub's drawer but she made sure it was put back in hers haha. On another note, her hair is getting so long and light these days!

Lost Pines Resort

Last weekend we went as a family to the Hyatt Lost Pines Resort in Austin. AJ had to go for the firm wide Intern conference and the kiddos and I decided to tag along and enjoy the swimming pools, lazy river and slides. We had a great time, the Bug did have a not so minor tantrum when the lifeguards would not let her go down the water slide by herself (it emptied into a 5 ft pool, so obviously). Once she finally got over than and agreed to go with AJ all was right with the world and then she didn't want to leave. All in all it was a great relaxing weekend and a nice trip!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Happy Birthday Little Man!

Baby boy is now one, this past year has both flown by and crawled at the same time. We are so grateful to have this little guy in our family!

Baby boy still loves to be held and cuddled, and is very affectionate and gives the best slobbery kisses. He is obsessed with balls and cars and loves to chase around the Bug and try to do everything she is. He is very fast at crawling and quite the little climber. He can go up and down stairs, cruise furniture and stand up and stand unassisted. No steps yet, but he can say quite a few words including, no, bah (bottle), dah (dog), dada, mama, baa (ball), gra (grandpa), nana (banana) though he mostly still communicates by screaming. He dances to music and loves Daniel Tiger just like his big sister.

He still very much dislikes being put down and being alone at all. Recently he's also decided he hates the car seat, which makes errands really fun. He will eat anything with the exception of peas and LOVES bananas.

One year well check stats:
Height: 30.5 in (66%)
Weight: 23 lb 9 oz (86%)
Head: 76%

We had a pretty low key day, ending with a cupcake. We were over at the new house, and as he and the Bug dove into the cupcakes, I started to rethink my decision to have them eat cupcakes in our new clean and empty house that has no towels / brooms / etc. Thank heavens for wet wipes, but we will definitely need to mop before we move in. As for how the cupcake went over, I'd say its safe to say he liked it.

Happy Birthday Bubba!! Love you to the moon and back.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Life lately according to iPhone pics

To and from Idaho. These kiddos were great on the plane. 

The Bug LOVED the water park. She mostly refused to go with anyone down the slide and would say, "see you at the bottom."

Little man got into the trash and found an almost empty bag of chips. He was very proud of himself to say the least. 

Grocery store shenanigans. 

Love her little top knot. 

Impromptu puddle jumping party after a crazy afternoon rain storm. 

Nearly one year!!