This past Saturday was very eventful to say the least. We started out with a trip to Memorial Park (or the Green Park, as Pumpkin likes to call it). Both kids love this park, and when I have an extra set of hands (in this case AJ) it makes keeping track of them both much less stressful since it's pretty big and has no fences to keep Bubba in :)
After the park, we stopped by River Oaks donuts for the obligatory Saturday Donut run. Bug nearly died of excitement as they had a purple donut. Seriously, she screamed in joy. All the workers laughed at her enthusiasm. I anticipate her requesting to go there from now on lol.
After a quick stop off at Costco and Honey Baked to get food for Easter dinner, we returned home to listen to conference and enjoy a picnic on the back patio.
For the past few weeks AJ has been researching minivans. Not because our family is growing anytime soon, but because our current brood makes it so we can't take anyone with us if we currently go anywhere (poor Brianne was smooshed in the back to Galveston last week and I'm sure her hip went numb!). During the kids nap time, AJ pumped his search up a notch and before I knew it he had negotiated a new minivan and trade in for my CR-V. As soon as the kids were awake we schlepped them down the 45 minutes or so to the middle of nowhere to save a few thousand dollars and after 3 hours of waiting for the slowest sales team, we had a new van, had traded in our old car and were off to dinner.
He woke up early from his nap in such a good mood so we were playing outside while we waited for AJ to get back so we could go pick up the new car.
He saw a plane. He loves planes so much.
He is obsessed with cookie monster. Here he is saying "Cookie!! Om nom nom!!" |
To help pass the time, we let him sit in the drivers seat and 'drive' this has proved to be a huge pain however, as now every time we get in the car he throws a huge fit when i won't let him drive. |
This is the face of a kid who just waited 3 hours mostly patiently for the sales people to get there act together and finally take our money so we could leave.
So far I like the extra space and the potential for taking people with me on little road trips. Bug is in love with the car and has been telling all sorts of random strangers about our new car and every time we get in she gets all happy and says, "I'm so glad we got this new car. It is so wonderful." She particularly loves the fact that she can shut her door on her own by simply pulling the lever (she will tell you all about it).