Wednesday, June 12, 2013

One week later

Baby boy *and the rest of us* have officially made it one week. Things were much easier for me physically this time compared to the beating I took with the bug, which is a bit crazy as this chunk is over 1 lb bigger. 

Ridiculous amount of arm bands I had at the hospital. I was worried I was going to scratch the little guy!

Proud Papa

It seems like he may be figuring out the whole eating thing. Only time will tell, but these last few days have been much better as far as napping and night time sleeping goes. 

Hanging out with Uncle Paul, she's gone from being wary to adoring her Uncle. 

We were lucky to have Grandpa Jim come visit last weekend. The bug loved the attention and was soon offering / showing off all her toys to Grandpa... Her latest show of acceptance. 

Meeting her brother in the hospital. 

So far bug seems to really like her little brother. She gets excited whenever he makes noise, and loves to pet his head and give him kisses on the head. Its fun to watch her take people that come to visit to see her brother. She excitedly babbles, telling them all about him I am sure. So far she only has a hard time when I am nursing and can't go help her, and at bath / bed time, though I anticipated that would be a tough time and transition. 

Coming home from the hospital 

Thankfully the last month or so of being pregnant I was to big to comfortably fit in the glider with her so she has gotten in the practice of laying down next to me on my bed and winding down / falling asleep. Seems like this will be the practice at least until I can get the boy on a schedule to hopefully free me up during her bedtime. 

Bug enjoying one of the many delicious dinners we've been brought. We are so blessed to have awesome friends here!

1 comment:

  1. You'll figure it out! It's tough though for sure! Good luck!
