Sad little man. Too bad this is how he is most of the time.
Baby boy is now two months old. He continues to grow and has an impressive set of lungs, which he puts on displays with screaming. A. Lot. Of. Screaming:
2 month stats:
Height: 24.25", 93% percentile
Weight: 14 lb 5 oz, 89% percentile
Head Circumference: 75% percentile
Sadly, it appears as though he has pretty bad reflux, made evident by his constant screams. We are experimenting with different medications, and hopefully we can find the magic combination to help him feel better. On the few moments that he's not hurting, he is very interactive and responsive. He will try to talk and coo and gives great smiles.
Latest triumphs: holding his head pretty steady, rolled off his tummy a few times, smiling and starting to coo.
Likes: his binky, being held, the rocker sleeper, to hold your hand/finger/shirt when he's falling to sleep.
Dislikes: waiting for his bottles to warm up, cold milk (causing his first dislike), not being held, loud noises, any quick unexpected movements (very sensitive to his surroundings).
The bug still isn't so sure about taking photos with her brother as is evident by these next shots. I love the one where she's holding his hand and grimacing and he is smiling. So telling.
While she is not about taking pictures with her brother touching her, she is starting to smile by herself, as long as I let her look at the pictures on the camera in between shots. Baby steps.