Friday, August 30, 2013

First family vacay

A few weeks ago we took a family trip to San Antonio at the Hyatt Hill Country Resort. It was a lot of fun and the Bug LOVES to swim. She even jumps in off the side. Little dare devil. 
She loves her sunglasses. It's awesome. 
Every time we got out, she threw a fit she loves swimming so much. She wouldn't even be deterred by the promise of food. Who is this child !?

First tractor ride

It was a little rocky at first, but eventually she calmed down enough to enjoy her first ride with Grandpa on his tractor!
So pensive. 
Her initial response to the idea. 

Also, just because; this was from lunch, this girl loves her some pasta!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Just because

Enjoying herself in grandmas canning drawer. 

Getting even more comfortable holding her little brother. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Evening walks

The Bub has been enjoying evening walks up here in Idaho. Tonight we went out with Andrew while grandma held a very fussy baby (he screamed 3 hrs straight today. Oy.). 

She enjoyed picking up rocks, running in the field after Howie (our dog), and trying to blow dandelions. It was all fun until I told her we had to go back and wouldn't be walking to the cows tonight. So dramatic. 

Fun times in Idaho

We've been having fun up in Idaho. Saturday we went to the Farmers Market and enjoyed some local organic foods. Bug ate an entire pear and loved it all. 
Haha. Made me think of the onion spoof on humanely raised livestock. 

She loves slides. There was also a band and she started dancing to the music and forgot she was supposed to go down the slide. So funny. 
She loves Howie but is also scared of him. She finally got enough courage and pet him. He tried to lick her tho and she almost fell over in fear. 
Saturday afternoon we went swimming. The Bug loves to swim but it was freezing so we only lasted a little under an hour. The Bub was dressed to swim but instead just slept in our arms. 
The Bub laughing and cooing at Grandpa. He is so alert and just loves being talked to. Oh and his peacock hair. Priceless. 

Friday, August 23, 2013

Back in Idaho

Since my mom was down in Texas moving Amy to Dallas for graduate school, I decided to jump on the opportunity to have a traveling companion and booked tickets for myself and the kiddos to go up to Idaho for a visit. I love Idaho this time of year. It is so pretty and the weather is awesome compared to Houston!
The circus that accompanies traveling with 2 kiddos under 2. 

My mom had already booked her ticket when I decided to tag along so we were on a 6 pm flight out of Houston that got into Moscow at midnight (2 am Houston time). 
His first flight. The happiness was definitely short lived however. 

The kids did as good as can be expected, the Bub was starving since he still won't nurse, and everyone was exhausted, since my kiddos refuse to sleep not at home. We finally made it however and it's good to be here!
We've been having fun. Pumpkin has enjoyed the showering of attention and is running around squealing, "got you" with glee while Andrew chases her. The Bub has been mostly happy, tho he just wants to be held. Today we got out the play mat and he was fascinated by the noise the toys made for nearly an hour. Awesome. 
Another development is the Bug is now happy to hold her brother. She keeps asking to and even smiled while doing so. Who is this child?
Happy little man after a good nap this morning. 

Friday, August 16, 2013

Big sister

You can't really see since I was in the kitchen making dinner, but the bug is singing to her brother while he was in the swing and doing arm movements to help calm him down. So sweet. 

Sunday, August 4, 2013

2 Months Old

Sad little man. Too bad this is how he is most of the time. 

Baby boy is now two months old. He continues to grow and has an impressive set of lungs, which he puts on displays with screaming. A. Lot. Of. Screaming:

2 month stats:
Height: 24.25", 93% percentile
Weight: 14 lb 5 oz, 89% percentile
Head Circumference: 75% percentile

Sadly, it appears as though he has pretty bad reflux, made evident by his constant screams. We are experimenting with different medications, and hopefully we can find the magic combination to help him feel better. On the few moments that he's not hurting, he is very interactive and responsive. He will try to talk and coo and gives great smiles. 

Latest triumphs: holding his head pretty steady, rolled off his tummy a few times, smiling and starting to coo. 
Likes: his binky, being held, the rocker sleeper, to hold your hand/finger/shirt when he's falling to sleep. 

Dislikes: waiting for his bottles to warm up, cold milk (causing his first dislike), not being held, loud noises, any quick unexpected movements (very sensitive to his surroundings). 

The bug still isn't so sure about taking photos with her brother as is evident by these next shots. I love the one where she's holding his hand and grimacing and he is smiling. So telling. 

While she is not about taking pictures with her brother touching her, she is starting to smile by herself, as long as I let her look at the pictures on the camera in between shots. Baby steps. 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Belated Baby Blessing

Just like we did with the Bug, when the little man was just over a week old we blessed him at church. It is a bit crazy to bless them when they are so little, but it makes it possible for my dad to be there as well since my parents were here to visit / meet the newest little. Mr. Man did great and AJ even set up his phone to record the blessing so we can have record.

Looking back I can't believe how little he looks! It wasn't that long ago, how quickly they change. 

And some more pictures I found during my desktop clean up. Most of these were from Jim's camera around the same time (~1 week old). 

Friday, August 2, 2013

Baby Pictures

When the little man was only a few days old we had a photographer come and take some pics of the bub. He was apparently famished and it was hard to get very many pictures but I still love the ones we did get.

We also attempted to get some pictures of the two of the kiddos together, but true to form, the bug was not having it. We did however capture some pretty epic stink eye photos.

Where's the doggie? "I don't know"!

Ironically, this turned out to be one of the most telling photos of what was to come :(

Oh and here is the announcement: