Friday, August 23, 2013

Back in Idaho

Since my mom was down in Texas moving Amy to Dallas for graduate school, I decided to jump on the opportunity to have a traveling companion and booked tickets for myself and the kiddos to go up to Idaho for a visit. I love Idaho this time of year. It is so pretty and the weather is awesome compared to Houston!
The circus that accompanies traveling with 2 kiddos under 2. 

My mom had already booked her ticket when I decided to tag along so we were on a 6 pm flight out of Houston that got into Moscow at midnight (2 am Houston time). 
His first flight. The happiness was definitely short lived however. 

The kids did as good as can be expected, the Bub was starving since he still won't nurse, and everyone was exhausted, since my kiddos refuse to sleep not at home. We finally made it however and it's good to be here!
We've been having fun. Pumpkin has enjoyed the showering of attention and is running around squealing, "got you" with glee while Andrew chases her. The Bub has been mostly happy, tho he just wants to be held. Today we got out the play mat and he was fascinated by the noise the toys made for nearly an hour. Awesome. 
Another development is the Bug is now happy to hold her brother. She keeps asking to and even smiled while doing so. Who is this child?
Happy little man after a good nap this morning. 

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