Saturday, September 28, 2013

Mostly pictures

Little man on my lap at Clark's birthday party. 

True to form she wouldn't participate in any of the games and freaked out if anyone tried to talk to her. But cake time? Game on. 

The little man after a nap. He's getting to be a pretty happy little guy :). 

The only time she smiles for the camera: when she's wearing her sunglasses. 

She still isn't a huge fan of school, but she will at least wear her backpack now. Baby steps. 

We are engrossed in the blow out stage of baby life. So gross. He gets really happy right after tho. :)

And yes, I love his little chucks :). 

He's started to enjoy playing with toys. And by playing I mean trying like crazy to eat them. 

All dressed up for family pictures and just chilling on the bed. :)

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

First day of preschool

Pumpkin had her first day of "school" last week. She likes her backpack but refuses to wear it or be photographed with it :). The picture below most accurately describes how she feels about the whole idea of school, but we're going to keep trying! Hopefully she'll start to enjoy it soon.  

After school she had a great time at home reading and snuggling with me and the Bub in bed. 

Mr. Man enjoyed the one on one time. He has so much personality and gives the greatest smiles :)

Last Monday the kiddos and I made an impromptu trip to Dallas to help Amy after she was in a car accident. Thankfully she was ok but I was so glad we were able to go be with her. These kids are rock stars and made the solo trip awesome (4 hrs). Pumpkin even got her car seat flipped around so I could easily throw her food throughout the drive. Since turning it she is much more talkative and is constantly singing. Such a joy. 

She LOVED Amy's cat. So much so that she forgot to be nervous and grouchy when Amy's roommates got home. 

Amy was fine, but her car? Not so much. 
Now just some random pics from the past few weeks:
Such a little dare devil. She loved the slide. 
Painting daddy's birthday card. I figured she would enjoy it, but she loves it. We now paint or color with markers at least 2 times a day. Which means I have marker marks all over my living room. Oh well. 

The Bub in this onsie that is already to small for him but I don't care and will squeeze him in it at least one more time :)

Eating pizza and watching college football with dad. Start em young. Like mother like daughter. 

Saturday, September 7, 2013

3 months old!

Our little man is three months old. Crazy how fast time seems to go these days. This past month has been much better for everyone as we are all starting to adjust to being a family of 4. Since the reflux medicine did not seem to be helping, we stopped that after he turned 2 months and things have been much better ever since. He still can get very frustrated quickly, but most of the times he just wants to be held and talked to. As long as you can keep him calm he's turning into a very happy and smiley little guy.

3 month stats:
Weight: ~15 lb 0 oz

Latest triumphs: sitting in the bumbo, holding his head very steady, little giggles and talking back to people.
Likes: any and all types of socialization, sitting on your lap watching the world.

Dislikes: dirty diapers, getting out of the bath (I assume this is because he gets cold).

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

More from Idaho

The Bug wasn't feeling it, and her little brother got her out of it by having a monumental blow out. I honestly don't how it didn't get all over me as well. Thank goodness for disposable onesies under all his clothes. 

Grandma took the Bug on walks up to the pond by my grandparents house. My uncle has really fixed it up and it looks great. 

We had a great time in Idaho and the flight back with both of them also turned out a success. On the flight from SLC to Houston both kiddos were asleep by the time we took off. Awesome.