Saturday, September 7, 2013

3 months old!

Our little man is three months old. Crazy how fast time seems to go these days. This past month has been much better for everyone as we are all starting to adjust to being a family of 4. Since the reflux medicine did not seem to be helping, we stopped that after he turned 2 months and things have been much better ever since. He still can get very frustrated quickly, but most of the times he just wants to be held and talked to. As long as you can keep him calm he's turning into a very happy and smiley little guy.

3 month stats:
Weight: ~15 lb 0 oz

Latest triumphs: sitting in the bumbo, holding his head very steady, little giggles and talking back to people.
Likes: any and all types of socialization, sitting on your lap watching the world.

Dislikes: dirty diapers, getting out of the bath (I assume this is because he gets cold).

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