Little man turned 8 mo old yesterday. He has become quite the ham and really loves to play with his big sister. He's still growing and is ~21.5 lbs of glorious baby chubs.
Latest triumphs:
* Clapping and giving high fives, my favorite trick yet.
* ALMOST* crawling, definitely scooting around and getting from place to place, just not very effectively.
* Babbling, mamama, dadada and of course screaming.
* Feeding himself foods. He's more adventurous than his big sister, and usually gets most food in his mouth.
Current dislikes:
* Still isn't a fan of any veggies, but will eat them, he just lets you know its not his favorite with awesome stink faces (not as good as big sisters, but thats hard to beat).
Cute! It's getting so hard to take cam's pics! He crawls away from me or just wants to climb up me to hold him. Ha ha.