Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Recently, these kids have become obsessed with the flowers (weeds) that line the driveway. If we are not in a hurry, they now love picking the flowers, smelling them and then giving them to me. Pretty sure they will both get far in life if they keep this up :)


Riding the train

AJ was able to take Friday off last week so we took a family trip to ride the train at Hermann Park. We got there right as the train was leaving, so to pass the time we went to the zoo to ride the carousel. Bug is seriously obsessed with the carousel and getting to ride with Dad was even better.

I think Bub is finally not scared anymore as well, and he loved riding too.

We also went through the tropical bird exhibit (it was air conditioned afterall). Bub is obsessed with birds and cows as of late and really enjoyed it. I don't remember Pumpkin being this interested in the zoo when she was this little, but we didn't really go all that often either.

After seeing the birds and the carousel we timed it just right and jumped on the train around the park. We were the last ones on so we all squished onto one bench, but it worked out fine. Pumpkin LOVED it. Bub was less amused and wanted to run around, but I'm sure we'll be doing it again if only for her.

I even was able to get a few family selfies. Sad that this is the only family picture we have other than the ones we had taken last October!!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Night time dance parties

We've changed up our nighttime routine a little, we now watch Sesame Street right after dinner and then have a dance party in the spare bedroom to work out extra energy before bath time and bed. These kids are hilarious and it is so much fun watching them dance around, giggle hysterically and love on each other. Couldn't hope for much more.

Seriously this kid is crazy.

Elephants and Carousels

We have been stuck inside a lot lately because of rain or crazy heat so today I decided I didn't care and we went to the zoo anyway. We had a good time but it was unbearably hot. Like dripping after seeing only one animal hot. Yuck. We got there later than usual, and I thought we would have missed baby Dunkin's bath, but we actually got a crazy good view. Apparently everyone else realized it was ridiculous to be outside today or something, but both kids were able to stand right up on the window and see the elephants. Bubba kept oohing and ahhing. At one point Dunkin looked like he was trying to get out to play. It was really neat to see them so close with no people to try to see over.

So pleased to be seeing the elephants.

 I swear this kid will attempt to climb anything, he actually got himself up there. He is due for a major tumble soon I'm afraid.

Big kid riding by himself.
We always ride the carousel, because Pumpkin loves it to much. Best $1.25 spent for sure. I usually just hold Bub while Pumpkin rides on an animal, this time however, he threw a major fit until I put him on the animal. He actually rode the entire time and was very upset when the ride ended and he had to get off. Looks like it's going to start being the best $2.50 spent a week :)

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Grandma and Amy Visit

Bug and Bubba were so lucky to have 2 visitors last week. Grandma and Amy were both able to come down and spend some time melting in the Houston heat. Bug was in heaven being spoiled rotten and playing with Grandma all she could. We enjoyed trips to the zoo, park, pool and lots of playing at home. We love it when grandma comes and can't wait to see her again!!

Life lately ... in pictures