Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Riding the train

AJ was able to take Friday off last week so we took a family trip to ride the train at Hermann Park. We got there right as the train was leaving, so to pass the time we went to the zoo to ride the carousel. Bug is seriously obsessed with the carousel and getting to ride with Dad was even better.

I think Bub is finally not scared anymore as well, and he loved riding too.

We also went through the tropical bird exhibit (it was air conditioned afterall). Bub is obsessed with birds and cows as of late and really enjoyed it. I don't remember Pumpkin being this interested in the zoo when she was this little, but we didn't really go all that often either.

After seeing the birds and the carousel we timed it just right and jumped on the train around the park. We were the last ones on so we all squished onto one bench, but it worked out fine. Pumpkin LOVED it. Bub was less amused and wanted to run around, but I'm sure we'll be doing it again if only for her.

I even was able to get a few family selfies. Sad that this is the only family picture we have other than the ones we had taken last October!!

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