Wednesday, June 24, 2015


They are ripping up the road to update the drainage system, and little man is in heaven. Big trucks, dump trucks, diggers. The kid would sit out on the street watching all morning if I let him. It's awesome seeing how excited he is.

Her faces kill me

The face she made when she almost knocked the lights over. Haha!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Big Boy Haircut

Bub was starting to get a little too wispy, so I went after it and cut it the shortest it's been since ... well since I've ever cut it. I of course miss his curls, but I actually like it a lot, and love the he can see and that he won't be as hot with so much hair this summer.

Just Because

Because I take way to many pictures of my kids.

Bringing Baby doll a flower.

Happy Birthday Bub

I can't believe 2 years have gone by!! Bub continues to grow and is becoming quite the little character.

Height: 34", 49%
Weight: 32 lb, 89%

As a comparison, he is 1 lb heavier than Bug was at 2 and 1.5" shorter, though I question the accuracy of the measurement as he was throwing a major fit during it.

Current Milestones / Likes:
Bub is a talkative little guy. He speaks in full sentences and is very clear and good at communicating. This has improved all aspects of our life as he is able to better voice his grievances and we can work together to find solutions.

He loves to sing and dance, and will randomly start singing without any reason (current favorite is Roar by Katy Perry). If ever music comes on he will stop what he's doing, and say "I need to dance!" followed by wiggling and shaking. I love it.

He is such a sweet boy. He loves and loves and loves. All of his screaming he is making up for in cuddles, kisses and I love you's.He is such a boy and is obsessed with cars, diggers, dirt and fart noises.

Current Dislikes:
Bub still isn't a fan of school, and starts screaming as we pull in the parking lot. When I pick him up, it is the sweetest though as he comes running up to me saying "Mommy! I'm so happy to see you! You came back!" he then breaks into "Grown-ups come back."

Such a funny little guy, we are so blessed to have you as part of our little family. Love you to the moon and back.

Bub's birthday party was approriatly at the Fire Station and now every time we pass, he exclaims, "My Birthday! I like Fire Trucks! BIG ONES!!!" It was fun to get together with friends and family and he of course loved his toys. I wish I had audio of his excitement. He is the best.

Parks and Doughnuts

Park days are the best days .... add doughnuts and life really can't get much sweeter.

Doughnuts without napkins / wipes wasn't my smartest move to date.

Memorial Day Weekend

This Memorial Weekend we were lucky enough to have both Grandma and Grandpa Berglund in town to watch Bug's first dance recital. Of course the weather had other plans, and after flooding all our neighbors and shutting down the entire city, the recital was nearly cancelled. Thankfully, the ballet teacher was on the ball and made someone open the room for us so the show could go on.

The view from Paul's apartment. Thank goodness he did not park on the main floor, those who did lost their cars in the 4-6 ft of standing water.

My mom has described little girls dancing as an atomic bomb of cute, and that pretty much sums it up. Bug was hilarious, and so animated (if not a few seconds behind everyone else haha).


After the recital, she stayed dressed up all night, and even did her routine a few more times. Love this little Bug.