Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Memorial Day Weekend

This Memorial Weekend we were lucky enough to have both Grandma and Grandpa Berglund in town to watch Bug's first dance recital. Of course the weather had other plans, and after flooding all our neighbors and shutting down the entire city, the recital was nearly cancelled. Thankfully, the ballet teacher was on the ball and made someone open the room for us so the show could go on.

The view from Paul's apartment. Thank goodness he did not park on the main floor, those who did lost their cars in the 4-6 ft of standing water.

My mom has described little girls dancing as an atomic bomb of cute, and that pretty much sums it up. Bug was hilarious, and so animated (if not a few seconds behind everyone else haha).


After the recital, she stayed dressed up all night, and even did her routine a few more times. Love this little Bug.

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