Saturday, August 1, 2015

Memorial Mall Play Area

Since it is so hot, and I can only take so much sweating at the zoo, we've been spending a lot of time at the Memorial Mall play area this summer (along with all of Houston, it's always crazy packed). I love that it is enclosed (read: no one can escape) and air conditioned. I wish it was closer, but otherwise it is always a sure fire way to pass the time.

Along with the actual play area, the kids love playing on the coin operated rides just outside the play area. A lot of times I think they actually like these cars more than the actual play area. I never pay for the rides since they light up without any money anyway. They did get to piggy back with some very friendly kids yesterday though and right the car while it actually ran. I think I may be doomed.

My favorite part is watching them play together. They are so kind to each other (most of the time) and play so well with each other. Since Pumpkin is older, she's helping Bubba a ton with imaginative play and they are a kick to watch.

We went after MDO and she was tired, since she NEVER naps at school.

Even tired though this girl can still sing.

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