Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Babies and Bluebonnets

So it is Bluebonnet season down in Texas, and for some reason I got it in my head that I wanted to (needed to really) get pictures of the bean with the bluebonnets. This proved to be easier said than done however. First I tried to sit her in her bumbo and get some great shots... this may have worked if she was able to sit up for longer than 2 seconds before getting tired... I also kept seeing bees and was getting bit by fire ants so attempt one was a bit of a bust.

Que attempt two. For our second round I enlisted the help of a dear friend who lent me multiple baskets and trays to lay the bean in in the middle of the flowers so she could lay down and we could get a picture of her smiling back at us. Sadly, this too was another failure as it was so bright and hot that instead of smiling as she usually does, she was squinting and practically falling asleep.

With one last ditch effort, I held the bub and we tried to get a decent shot that way. They are my favorite from all three failed attempts, baby girl is still mostly squinting and not really smiling in any of the pictures, but it's one of the few pictures I even have with her at all, so I am glad on that level.

Thank you to the hub for putting up with / and photographing all three attempts, I really am a lucky girl. 
** I'm sure he can't wait until next year rolls around :) at least then she will be standing / sitting / etc.

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