Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Let the solid food begin...

So after baby girls 4 month check up, her Dr. said we could go ahead and start her on solid foods starting with rice cereal, then trying a few other grains, and then start introducing other foods, one at a time a few days apart, to make sure she doesn't have any reactions. The first time we fed her, it was VERY watered down, to eat any of it, she practically had to suck it off the spoon. They have you make it so watery though to make sure they figure out how to swallow.

All I can say about her eating solids, is its a good thing she is not surviving that way, as she is still not the biggest fan. She is fine with swallowing, she just hasn't really gotten the idea that she needs to open her mouth first. I'm pretty sure the only reason she ate any for the first few days was due to sheer luck in getting it in her mouth when she wasn't paying attention.

She wasn't quite as calm for her second meal :)

Or her subsequent meals for that matter :(

Today for the first time, I think she actually deliberately opened her mouth *a little* to get a bite. She still gave me the stink face when she tasted it though, if she dislikes bland ole' rice, I can't wait to give her peas.

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