Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Thunder storms

So for over a week it stormed and stormed and stormed and stormed. Being stuck inside with 2 littles gets really old really fast. We did all sorts of indoor activities including sewing baby doll a new dress (turns out I am not a seamstress ha, but it works ok). But mostly, we just sang a lot of Let It Go. Pumpkin has the entire movie down and it is hilarious. Even Bub joins in when she is singing the chorus. Fun times.

 Never grow up. Stay little and play always.

 He is a little Dancing Machine.

 Personality she has a few.

 Let it GO! Let it GO!

 I am over all the pictures mom.

More Let it Go...

 This jacket used to be AJs and his brothers. It's still a little big, but I can't wait for them to grow into it and use it to play. They are going to love it so much!

 He was NOT having pictures. At all. The only thing that saved us was donuts.

 Just STAY AWAY and you'll be safe from me. Her latest favorite, sung while running away.

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