November 23
We officially have a 4 year old. It's so crazy how its gone so quickly and slow at the same time. Our little Bug is growing and becoming more of a little lady everyday.
Current likes / obsessions:
* Elsa. Elsa. Elsa. I don't think this is leaving anytime soon. Though she also really enjoys Doc McStuffins and Sophia (much to AJ's chagrin).
* Being a mommy. She is so tender and loving towards Margaret (her baby doll has officially donned the moniker of Daniel Tiger's baby sister). She takes her everywhere and makes sure she is always comfortable and has a good view. She always talks about her babies, and how she is excited to get to have her babies. A few days ago she told me I would have to move when she had her babies since she would be living in the house then. She did say I could come visit though. LOL.
* Her big girl bike (shocker, it's Elsa). She took to it like a champ (albeit with training wheels) and hasn't looked back. She's had a couple wipeouts, but always gets back on - my little champ.
* All things girl related: nail polish, purses, boots, princess dresses you name it she wants it.
Current dislikes:
* Change / new things. She still refuses to try any new foods regardless of what it is (no go to pie, caramel and not from a can chicken noodle soup to name a few).
* That's about it! She is overall such a happy and joyful little girl.
She is such a good big sister. Of course they fight, but recently they have started playing really well together. She runs the show for the most part, but they do so well taking turns and watching them together is one of my favorite things about this stage. She's learning so much these days and can write her name, has started drawing recognizable pictures with meaning and knows a fair amount of letters and numbers (though we're still working on that).
For her birthday we went to Wonderwild with a few friend and had donuts (her love language). We also had a nice dinner with family where she got to open presents; an Elsa big kid bike, Elsa dress up shoes (heels, per her request for the kind that "you know, make me taller? And click when I walk?") and an Elsa crown ... I sense a theme here ...
For her 4 year well check she was so brave and let the nurse and doctor do all the tests and procedures. She had to get 4 shots, and I almost started crying she was so sad (though I blame hormones, I was super close and have never done that before).
I love this little 4 year old so much and am so glad she is in our family, I can't wait to see what the next year brings baby girl.
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